Apr 26

Life is a Bulb and then You Grow

Author: Kendra Drake Docker/ comments: 0/ Blog Categories: Change, Growth, Healing, Hot Topics

It may be evident by the name of my counseling practice that I love to garden…I relish it.  I believe that life is a garden and we all grow in different seasons, for different reasons. Every year I plant, foster and nourish an elaborate garden.  I have many perennials and some annuals and the end result is a masterpiece of beauty for the eyes, the heart and the soul.  Other than parenting and counseling, I would have to say that gardening is my truest bliss. I love the results that nurturing and care can bring about.  If one thinks about it, truly it is a lot like parenting AND counseling.  Nurture, water, care…beauty abounds.

This year, in the garden, I did something that I have never done before.  I planted bulbs.  Bulbs are crusty and dirty.  The come in bags not pots.  The show no sign of life except perhaps for the random root that is awkwardly emerging from it.  The directions for planting are convoluted and after putting the dirt on top, patting gently with my glove clad hands and watering…I wait….and wait…..there is no color…no green…no vibrant projection of spring or summer…nada…..

This year I planted bulbs.  Several bulbs. This year I learned about waiting in the garden.  7 weeks later some of the lilies came up.  They are vibrant, strong and beautiful.  Some though, won’t appear until next year.  Next year?  That is so; so long…..I stare at the pot that I put my Iris’s in.  I stare at the blank canvas of dirt waiting for anything green to emerge.  Yesterday I stared and realized that bulbs are a lot like life.  Sometimes the crusty disfigured pieces need to be planted, nurtured and cared for before they can grow.  AND sometimes the growth takes time, even a year. A season…for a reason. It became obvious to me that while we are “waiting”, underneath the dirt, or deep within our soul….something marvelous is happening.  Magic is taking place. A spiritual metamorphosis that can only evolve over time..is actually fed by time.

Plant your bulbs and be patient as you anticipate the results. Everything for a reason, maybe even a season.  Trust in the delightful growth that is taking place deep within the garden of your soul.

Be well.


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